lundi 7 mars 2011

Welcome to me...

... in the Sapphire Pearl Blue Sea network! ^^

Ok, I know.
That there are already a lot of blogs and fansites etc. about those amazing boys.
That we are all sharing and posting the same pictures/ videos.
That we're watching the same TV show.
And that we're hopping to have a Super Show in our own so magnificent country.

This blog won't be so innovative and could be just the same of what you guys are already reading here and there.

I still hope not.

I'm not a native English speaker, so I'll use this place to exercise my writing skill.
Sometimes, I'll write in French which is my mother tongue.
And if I'm inspired, I might write in Japanese too, 'cause I've studied it for a long time.
I wish I could speak Korean and Mandarin though...

If you see some mistakes, please pardon me and kindly tell me about it

So it was my first message on this blog.
And I hope to still have a lot to say in the future.

Welcome to me! ^^

Update from 3rd October 2011 : This blog became a place to place bulk-purchase of Super Junior goods... :D